Hey gals! You might have noticed that I changed the title of my blog. I'd like to start blogging about things other than my sewing so....here we go! Some of you may remember that the hubby and I bought a house in October 2009. The master bedroom closet is...impractical.
The closet floor is covered in leftover construction material. It unofficially became the dumping ground for when my hubby and his father renovated our master bedroom floor. There are pieces of molding in there that still have nails sticking out of them! Yikes!
And since the shelf unit is SO high up in our closet it's hard to get to - not to mention the fact that my closet floor is booby trapped. It's also the only thing he have to hang our clothes from; at least in this 'part' of the closet -haha wait for it!
Here is the other 'part' of my closet. This is INSIDE my closet. Can you see it? My closet has a closet! Now this is more of a traditional closet. A large, easily accessible shelf over a nice long closet rod. But it's inside the first closet! That alone makes it hard to access. Twice as hard now with my booby trapped floors! Gah! What's a girl to do! Summer vacation is mercifully approaching and my husband has promised to do the closet. We are thinking of turning the first closet mostly into shelves and storage - maybe with one of those closet organizers. And then we want to open up the second closet, on the adjacent wall. And that will be our closet-closet.
*Sigh* I can't wait....
But that's not all that is broken. My wardrobe isn't doing so great either. It's a big mish-mash of different styles. None of which really suit me anymore. I need to go clothes shopping/donating. Like a big purge. But I find it hard to justify buying clothes I can make... Perhaps I will look into Sewing With A Plan. I'll need to start with an inventory of my clothes and what I can keep and what I should donate. And then I can start putting outfits together and sewing anything that's missing. One season at a time.....oh boy!
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