Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finished hairstyle!

I wrote about my CO washing routine. Then I showed you how I set my hair. And finally I bring you the results. This is just a regular brush out, nothing fancy. I'll post some more elaborate hairstyles when I get around to it. One of the reasons I love this set is that it's very versatile. It can accomodate both side and center parts, and different styles can be achieved simply by changing the direction the bangs are rolled.

This is the same setting pattern from the tutorial.

Carefully take out the rollers.

Brush out gently with fingers. A few seconds of panic is permissible though not necessary. We're not finished!
Start brushing! Apply pomade sparingly, near the part, the hairline, and the crown. If you apply the pomade little by little you're less likely to use too much. You can always apply more, but you can't take it off.